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kryptonian spoken language

Supergirl saves Harley's life and confronts her cousin at the Fortress of Solitude. Learn from Kal-Ik who valued the truth more than his life. What will happen now that Superman is dead? When you see that in the comics, it's just English (or German or French or whatever the language of publication is) written with the Kryptonian font rather than the Roman alphabet. Kryptonian survivors of alternate worlds, such as Power Girl (Kara Zor-L), the dog Krypto the Superdog, and the monkey Beppo the Super-Monkey, also reside on Earth. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? However, Batman, opposed to Superman's methods, forms the Insurgency to overthrow the Regime. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; Other Kryptonians not present at the time are the people of Kandor (who were abducted by Brainiac) and Zod and at least two of his minions (who are confined to the recently created Phantom Zone). Kryptonian is a little like Japanese, with both an older system of symbols or glyphs akin to kanji, as well as a syllabic writing system similar to hiragana and katakana. Towards the end of the season, after Dru and Ursas son from the future Lor-Zod frees them from the zone, they try to conquer Earth with their Kryptonian allies but fail and most are sent back to the Phantom Zone except Ursa who was saved by the Eye of Ekron and taken to Daxam and Lor-Zod who was killed. During Brainiac's attack on Metropolis, Supergirl witnesses Wonder Woman's brutal attack on their ally Harley Quinn after Harley tried to stop Wonder Woman from killing the Cheetah, as it violated Batman's no-killing policy. six zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per fanff (Kryptonian week). Even if we accept convergent evolution as the birth of another humanoid species, the idea that a superman would look like a white-haired, handsome guy is preposterous. Arabic | I mean Honestly sometimes I believe writers have lost a lot of creative capacity. In Man of Steel, Kryptonians are depicted as a genetically-engineered race of beings. This results in her death which triggers a nuclear explosion that destroys Metropolis. The "S" stands for hope Geminis scene, for example, only barely audibles as a result. Kryptonian Spoken in the Superman universe within DC Comics, learning how to speak Kryptonian has 13,200 annual Google searches. Although the language was never spoken in the film, the writing was featured prominently in most scenes set on Krypton. Since 18 Kryptonian years is about 25 Earth years, then there were approximately 2.3 Earth years between the two events. "Truth" of the Girod is the beginning of beginnings. The language has its own alphabet and grammar, and is very different from Earth languages. In the season finale, Zod makes his first full bodied appearance on the series, along with a large number of other Kryptonians who are later revealed to be clones created as part of an old experiment. The world of Krypton was so well-imagined theres so much in there I feel that is not on-screen, said Schreyer. However, Zod and his lieutenants only survived because they were at that time incarcerated within the Phantom Zone and were not in fact on Krypton at the time of its destruction. Zack Snyder actually commissioned the creation of an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel that we barely even see on screen. The two symbols found in the story of Kryptonian are glyphs and syllabic writing systems. Moderator list hidden. referring to the language as 'Kryptonian'. are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another Krypton, birthplace of Superman. I also owe a lot of inspiration to Kevin J. Anderson's Last Days of Krypton for developing an understanding of how a race that had conquered interstellar travel could be completely doomed by the destruction of one planet. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); J.R.R., A guide to the Kryptonian language Taino | If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. The people of Argo City also survive Krypton's destruction due to an enemy field surrounding the city, although in most universes the city either dies out soon afterward or is captured and immersed into Kandor by Brainiac. Superman vows to escape and is hurt by Supergirl's betrayal. English | Other natural languages | Batman and Supergirl manage to infiltrate the ship, but Supergirl is captured, though Batman discovers that Superman is still alive and the two join forces to defeat Brainiac and free Supergirl. So what is to be done? In Season Six, Clark discovers his father's assistant Raya was spared by being placed in the Phantom Zone, with her body intact. The New 52 introduces a survivor named H'El, a Kryptonian clone who piloted a prototype of the rocket Jor-El uses to save his son and departed Krypton with the planet's historical records. There is a rule from DC Comics that says it is illegal to listen to the spoken form of the K-9. In later depictions, their abilities are attributed to the differences between Earth's gravity and that of Krypton and the different radiation of the stars they orbit. The film Supergirl shows inhabitants of Argo City who also survived by fleeing to a parallel dimension, including Superman's cousin Supergirl. She is last shown flying with other Kryptonian survivors in the sky of a restored Kryptonian city. The result is a house glyph ingrained with meaning. Wrong, explained Schreyer. In Season Five, Clark discovers that the Disciples of Zod: Nam-Ek & Aethyr and a Kryptonian artificial intelligence: Brain-Interactive-Construct aka Brainiac arrive on Earth, serving Zod's trapped spirit. Many developments on a theatrical film adaptation of the 'Barsoom' series emerged in the 20th century. The severe xenophobia of Kryptonian society conveniently explains Kal-El's being the first Kryptonian to leave the planet. Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo,, Constructed scripts for constructed languages. Man noun : "adult male person" = Sod noun : "adult male person". As a result, I must be imaginative when referring to the fictional world of Kryptonian. These interactions with fans of the Kryptonian language depict how interested people are in constructed languages, and Schreyer explains in the documentary that this interest can help languages that are endangered in real life. Schreyer created two parts to Kryptonian: the written and oral components. The only notable exception is represented by the original native Daxamite population (the race that bore that name before intermingling with the Kryptonian explorers, who later adapted the name for themselves). In its most basic form, the polite imperative form of please do is spelled out in the comic book world of Kryptonian. A more complex version of For the beginning of the truth is the beginning of the Girod. Vaslovik 5 yr. ago Kara and Clark both grew up on earth, in America. Magical alphabets | Anyway, if you haven't seen it already, I encourage you to check my site: While "Superperson" sounds pretty lame in English, it sounds perfectly fine in Kryptonian. The clones are relocated to a new world that they designate 'New Krypton' at the conclusion of Season Nine, with Clark Kent remaining on Earth and Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone to merge with his original self when the clones learn that Zod killed his lover Faora for objecting to his plans. In The Last Days of Krypton by Kevin J. Anderson, young Kal-El and the people of Argo City (along with refugees from another city living there after General Zod destroyed their home) are the only survivors of Krypton's actual destruction. The Religious, Artist, Military and Science castes had representation on the ruling council, while the Worker caste did not. With Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman not only got a re-imagined origin, but Kryptonian's got a new written language too. Fictional race native to the planet Krypton. In their own way, each of them strives for a sense of purpose and meaning in an otherwise chaotic universe. While the other Kryptonians receive great strength and speed from Earth's sun, they require solar-suits to regulate the radiation and avoid being stricken by pain. The shape of the writing system, which was tied to the shape of the planet and how the world was imagined, also impacted the [spoken] language.. So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. Kryptonians use solar energy from yellow, blue, orange or white stars on the cellular and molecular levels to gain superhuman abilities. There is a mixing of ideographic and alphabetic characters in the writing of the characters of the Kryptonian race. A subreddit dedicated to the unofficial Kryptonian language project whose goal is the creation of a spoken and written Kryptonian language. Zack Snyder originally had the idea to create a whole fictional Kryptonian language for Man of Steel, though it's far better that he decided not to. Their environments have bred them for war, and they are the strongest animals on the planet. 27. According to one story, in which the Phantom Zone prisoner Quex-Ul had served his full sentence, 18 Kryptonian sun-cycles (amzeto) is about 25 Earth years. Kryptonian people live there in standard but microscopic, non-superpowered lives. Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek). Doyle is credited in Through the Valley of Death, but no Kryptonian was used. 1 This remark appears to prove untrue in Superman II, as prisoners of the Phantom Zone, such as General Zod, also survive the destruction of Krypton. Kryptonians General Zod and Ursa are among the many criminals had been imprisoned within the Phantom Zone prior to Krypton's destruction and even went on to have a child, who would later be adopted as Christopher Kent. It is not a God, but a descendant of one. Shes also always been interested in Indigenous peoples, and completed a directed study on the Cree language during her undergraduate studies at the University of Winnipeg. from the squiggles. (function() { Schreyer was fascinated by the fact that in Cree, some syllables flip based on how they are being used. Therefore, there were 734 Kryptonian days (1.676 Kryptonian years) between the two events. UBC-O's Dr. Christine Schreyer an associate professor teaching anthropology and linguistics went to Krypton. Tal-Rho comes into possession of a Kryptonian invention called the Eradicator which survived the planet's destruction and contains the consciousnesses of many Kryptonians like Lara Lor-Van and General Zod. In Supergirl's character ending, she joins Batman's Justice League, working with them to restore Kandor and cities collected by Brainiac. The style of these depictions has since evolved over the life of the series from decipherable transliterated writing to a more stylized (and indiscernible) form. More recently, however, we have "Kryptonese" (as Superman refers to it in. The Neanderthals have been pioneers in space travel and advanced technology since 100,000 years ago. Dr. Schreyer teamed up with graphic designer Kirsten Franson who designed the look of the writing. How will the other members of the Justice League cope with the loss of their leader? For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. Sometimes seeming incompatibilities can be resolved beautifully, but sometimes the effort leaves you fuming over DC's many reboots. In some continuities Kryptonians are difficult to clone because their DNA is so complex that human science is not advanced enough to decipher it. Constructed scripts for constructed languages | Members. var _gaq = _gaq || []; if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Information about the Kryptonian alphabet and fonts Supergirl reveals to Batman the House of El's S symbol is supposed to be a symbol of hope; though her cousin turned it into a symbol of fear, Batman, however, states that its meaning is determined by the one who wears it and tells her of how he and Superman used to fight for justice as members of the Justice League, before offering her a chance to do the same, having earned Batman's trust. Writing, after all, should be a very practical thing (something MoS completely misses). The mechanics of the writing system (an abugida), as well as the Kryptonian language that it depicts (which was not spoken in the film), were created by Dr. Christine Schreyer, a linguistic anthropologist and assistant professor of anthropology working at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan. In the majority of languages, the alphabet is the primary form of expression. She suggested using the Cree Syllabics writing. Other deities include Nightwing and Flamebird, dragon-like deities who have inspired a number of superhero teams as well as notable dynasties of Krypton e.g., the House of El. The primary religion of New and K-Rovian societies, as well as the primary religion of the two kingdoms, is Rao-orthodox. Be sure to check out my own interview with Christine Schreyer for more behind-the-scenes info on the language. Regardless of where Superman falls in the Justice League, every member of the team will take his death in stride. an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel. Superman learnt how to speak English from his adoptive parents and school: If your question meant "D. For now you can see her work-in-progress on this Google Doc. Similarly, the syllabic writing system produces a script based on the syllables present in the text being translated. It is also possible to replace the pronouns with pronouns for different genders and verb terms. The Phantom Zone also appears in one episode. It's a fun badge of honor to show off my geek cred, and it comes in handy when there's Kryptonian dialogue in the comics (like the recent Superman annual with Swamp Thing). Tagalog | So sign up for that directed seminar and pursue what interests you, because you never know it may even take you to an imaginary world. No one can answer all of these questions. 10 woluo (Kryptonian hours) per zetyar (Kryptonian day). In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing In Superman Returns, it is revealed that Clark is father to the half-Kryptonian child Jason White. The Ubyssey regrets this error. In Superman, teenage Clark discovers who he is in the Fortress of Solitude, where a hologram of Jor-El tells him, "You are the only survivor of the planet Krypton." During those early days in her career, she studied the structure of words. A place to discuss Superman and all things Superman related. This is what were seeing and hearing from the characters point of view. 73 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per lorax (Kryptonian month). I have been very much fascinated with what you were able to do with the language, taking it to the next level of complexity. Aug. 24, 2017. Kryptonians have been traveling to earth for a long time. In Batman/Superman #2, the Dark Knight surprises Superman by revealing that he can speak the language of his alien homeworld. However, given that Krypton is an advanced civilization, it is likely that they did indeed have their own language, and that English was not spoken on the planet. Members of the dominant species of the planet Krypton are indistinguishable from Terran humans in terms of their appearance in their physiology and genetics, but they are vastly different. First Barsoom story serialized under the Moons of Mars in 1912 and published as a novel 'A Princess of Mars' in 1917. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Certain individuals (including Conner Kent, Chris Kent, and some Phantom Zone criminals) have sometimes been depicted with "tactile telekinesis" which allows Kryptonians to lift and manipulate large objects whose own structural strength might not otherwise survive the process. A multi-dimensional defeat. The Daxamites remain that way up through the 31st century. In Batman's story mode ending, Superman is defeated by Batman after Kara leads him to the Batcave. Published May 25, 2020 During a commentary for Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder revealed that Kryptonians were initially going to speak a wholly original dialect. The Phantom Zone also makes an appearance, implying that prisoners inside it survived Krypton's destruction like in so many other continuities. A pictographic crest or symbol represents each Kryptonian family, or House; the head of the House usually wears it. Using the gender neutral forms, it is possible to write the words under the kryptonian name. 73 fanffo (Kryptonian weeks) per amzet (Kryptonian year). In the long run, the accent of Superman is never a problem. Edgar Rice Burroughs created it. Sanskrit | After Kandor is rescued from Brainiac, attempts are made to re-enlarge the city and its people, but it is unconfirmed whether they succeed. In general, Superman will want to learn a minimum of 15 extra languages, in addition to English, Interlac, and Kryptonese/Kryptonian. Supergirl notes that while she could not save her cousin, it will not stop her from trying to bring people hope. Since Superman and. In other versions of canon, there is a last daughter of Krypton Kara Zor-El. The aesthetic for the Kryptonian historical culture is based largely on the Silver and Bronze age depictions of Kryptona world with a violent past, strong family culture, ruled by a science council, and full of wonders. They Needless to say, finding all of the relevant material, let alone getting a coherent grasp of it, is a difficult and daunting task. She is a cousin of Superman and known as Supergirl. The language of the fictional planet of Superman's birth, Kryptonese, is spoken. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Batman apologizes to Kara for not being able to save her cousin. While many Kryptonians wear brightly colored clothes on a daily basis, formal occasions such as funerals and certain council meetings require everyone to wear white. Unsurprisingly, they both learned English. The Kryptonian city Kandor was also spared from destruction, as it was shrunken and collected by Brainiac. All Kryptonians are capable of long range telepathic communication. Also, the inhabitants of the planet Daxam are descendants of Kryptonians who long ago ventured into space and settled on another planet. These three were the surviving Kryptonians, who became Earth's heroes. So here is the official Kryptonian and just my own twist to make it easier to write because who wouldn't want to write in Kryptonian? Is Kryptonian A Real Language? In Sub-Zero's ending, Superman joins forces with Kryptonian criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non after escaping the Phantom Zone through a portal accidentally created by the Batman's Justice League while trying to create a portal to Earthrealm. Consider in all of that time in space they surely have come across other species and utilized translation technology allowing them to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. Kryptonians are a highly culturally and technologically advanced people. In Injustice 2, Power Girl appears as an alternate character skin for Supergirl, though she does not appear in the main story and originates from Earth-2. That's pretty cool how they did that! The society is highly pragmatic and the Kryptonians seen were surprised and displeased with Clark's unwillingness to kill. Thus, 1.676 Kryptonian years equals 2.294 Earth years, or 1 Kryptonian year equals roughly 1.37 Earth years. She helped Clark on Earth until her death a short time after her escape from the Phantom Zone. The exact number of days between February 29, and June 16 two years later, is 838 (or 2.294 years). You can build on the knowledge and wisdom that it provides. This standardized alphabet was then used by DC Comics until John Byrne's 1986 "reboot" of the Superman universe.[7]. This religions god Rao is based on the planet Kryptons sun, which is revered by those who follow it. As Earths resources run out, humans are sent to the planet of Kyanfrost to stay and continue humanity there. in a war with the Green Lantern Corps. Criminals are punished for capital crimes by having their bodies dispersed across the universe (the process is reversible, at least until a certain stage). A-Z index | He fell [greatly] by not heeding the truth that Kal-Ik spoke. Initially powerless due to their cells having been treated with blue kryptonite radiation, these clones later gain powers when Clark is forced to provide Zod with a sample of his blood to heal him after he is shot, Zod using this blood to empower his followers. Linguistically speaking I'm guessing they just made it simple since they were English writers. Chinese languages | This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. [The documentary] is about people who make languages, not just for Hollywood, but people who make them as hobbies and have for 30 or 40 years and why people make them and people who learn these languages, said Shreyer. Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race within the DC Comics universe that originated on the planet Krypton. in the Superman comics at first as random squiggles. I remember translating it and it was so cool to see what they said without them telling the translation. Schreyers background in reviving and protecting endangered languages made her the perfect candidate to create an imaginary language with one big difference. Snyder's idea to include a spoken Kryptonian language in Man of Steel is indeed an interesting prospect. Click over to the Man of Steel Kryptonian Writing page for a detailed breakdown of the writing including a downloadable chart, as well as the phonology of the language. Christine Schreyer, who spent years teaching courses on constructed languages such as Star Treks Klingon and Avatars Navi, is one of the first to create her own. Supergirl refuses to join him, though Superman reveals he has used Brainiac's technology to turn Batman into a brainwashed slave and threatens to do the same to Kara if she continues to resist. Superman is taken prisoner and Batman decides to imprison him in the Phantom Zone. I remember reading about it. 1950s-1985): This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 21:28. In the 1970s and 1980s, details about the Kryptonian calendar as it existed in the Earth-One universe were revealed. There are brackets with strange characters known as ipa, or international phonetic alphabets. Breeding between Kryptonian explorers and this race created a new Kryptonian hybrid race that could interbreed with a larger number of humanoid racesincluding Earth humans. Instead, the worst criminals were sent to the Phantom Zone, despite a lack of understanding of the nature of the zone, its danger to the imprisoned and the presence of exits.[6]. 0.99 seconds per thrib (31,556,952 seconds/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/43,800,000 thrib), 1.65 minutes per dendar (525949.2 minutes/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/438,000 dendar), 2.74 hours per wolu (8765.82 hours/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/4,380 wolu), 1.14 days per zetyar (365.2425 days/year * 1.37 years/amzet * one amzet/438 zetyar). In addition to the block font, I had a handwriting font for a long time, but I haven't maintained itI should probably update that! Sometimes it is to explain why or how something works or came to be. It is interesting that the League will come together in the aftermath of Supermans death in their own way. In the One Earth Regime universe featured in Injustice: Gods Among Us and Injustice 2, Krypton is attacked by the rogue Coluan scientist Brainiac. They just used this alphabet to write things in English in the comics. This is all due to convergent evolution. A universal translator on Star Trek would translate the spoken word enlish rather than making it appear that the speaker was speaking English. Kryptonian 4 languages Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race within the DC Comics universe that originated on the planet Krypton. Schreyer began her journey quite young she has wanted to . For example, an L-shaped symbol denotes the consonant m when used with the vowel a. This same symbol flips upside down when m is used with i, upside down and backwards when m is used with e and backwards when m is used with o., They had already decided that the numbers were going to flip The Kryptonian counting system flips pieces of the shield shape the glyph that Superman wears on his chest and then rotates that into different numbers. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. Posted on February 14, 2018 by Joe McVeigh. There is also a pantheon of 14 major dieties, 203 demigods, and over 1000 titans. In Superman: The Animated Series and later Justice League Unlimited, the only survivors of Krypton are Clark and two Phantom Zone criminals (Jax-Ur and Mala, introduced in "Blasts From the Past", parts 1 and 2). Thanks! As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g.

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kryptonian spoken language

kryptonian spoken language

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kryptonian spoken language